Labels:reckoner | sky | tree OCR: File Go Sections 12:30 uhr Lay crinks or Pousse Cofes appeal to the artist in everu bert ender they are leyered colorfu inks made with alcohol of different speci gravities. Each iqueur has speci ific weight The lighter ones float atop the heavier So the idea is to put the heaviest into the glass first, ther the next lightest and on Pour each alcohol very slowly over the back side of spoon so that the pouring will not break the surface tensi ion of the lauer below non have more time pour the drink and refrigerate for about an hour this will allow the liqueurs te separate accerding to their we ights, forming the auered ef ect desired Specific Weights starting with the heaviest Ani isette Creme de Menthe Creme de Banana Creme de Cacao Blue Curacao 23 of 55 lavored icueur B Jackberry& Aoricot ...